“Effect of three vitamin antioxidants on reversal of shear bond strength of bleached enamel: An in-vitro Study.”

  • Dr. Ashwini Prasad
  • Dr. Deepak Raisingani
  • Dr. Harshit Srivastava
  • Dr. Deeksha Khurana
  • Dr. Pragya Singhal
Keywords: alpha-Tocopherol, Antioxidants, Ascorbic Acid, beta Carotene



Aims and objectives: To evaluate the effect of Sodium ascorbate, Alpha-tocoferol and Beta-carotene vitamins antioxidant on reversing the bond strength between resin composite and bleached enamel surface.

Materials and methods: The study focussed on use of three vitamin antioxidants. All the groups in the study were subjected to bleaching containing 35% Hydrogen peroxide. Resin restoration were done after 1 week and immediately after bleaching without any antioxidant in Group 1 and 2 respectively. While in Group 3, 4 and 5, following bleaching treatment, samples were exposed to Beta-carotene gel, Sodium Ascorbate solution and Alpha-tocoferol gel respectively for 10 minutes, before resin restoration was done. Specimens were then subjected to Universal Testing Machine. The results were statistically analysed using ANOVA test and Tukey Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test, to comparatively analyse statistical differences between the groups.

Results: The mean shear bond strength values of Group 4 (Sodium Ascorbate solution) showed significantly high bond strengths than Groups 3 (Beta-carotene gel) and 5 (Alpha-tocoferol gel).

Conclusion: Treatment of bleached enamel with Sodium ascorbate and Alpha tocoferol antioxidants has significantly improved the shear bond strength of composite resin to enamel.

Keywords: alpha-Tocopherol, Antioxidants, Ascorbic Acid, beta Carotene


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How to Cite
Dr. Pooja Sen, Dr. Ashwini Prasad, Dr. Deepak Raisingani, Dr. Harshit Srivastava, Dr. Deeksha Khurana, & Dr. Pragya Singhal. (2021). “Effect of three vitamin antioxidants on reversal of shear bond strength of bleached enamel: An in-vitro Study.” . UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 7(3). https://doi.org/10.21276/ujds.2021.7.3.2