Treatment of complicated crown root fracture by means of surgical extrusion – A case report

  • Mahendra Kumar Jindal
  • Imam azam
  • Ashik Mohamed V N Dr. Ziauddin Ahmad Dental College
  • Pranshu Varshney
Keywords: Surgical extrusion, Biological width, Crown lengthening, Crown-root ratio, Crown root fracture


This report is about a case involving surgical extrusion technique as a possible strategy of action for a fractured upper incisor. A 13 year old male patient reported to our department with fractured right maxillary central incisor. As a result of a traumatic injury, the tooth was fractured. Root canal treatment was done before the surgically extruding the tooth. Atraumatic surgical extrusion of the tooth was performed by gently luxating and extruding to the desired position, minimizing damage to the marginal alveolar bone. A semi-rigid splinting was done for 2 weeks and final restoration placed after 6 weeks. On three months follow up, no postoperative issues were noted.


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How to Cite
Mahendra Kumar Jindal, Imam azam, Ashik Mohamed V N, & Pranshu Varshney. (2023). Treatment of complicated crown root fracture by means of surgical extrusion – A case report. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 9(4).